2nd Floor

Center Structure Uncategorized

Center structure has 5 floors such as Basement Floor, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, 3rd Floor and 4th Floor. This time, I will show you 2nd Floor. Position of 2nd Floor is following picture.(following picture).


This is main plate of 2nd Floor. Diameter of main plate is about 13mm.

 Center-Structure_2F Main plate

1.Install bearing. Bearing size is 1.0mm bore diameter , 3.0mm outside diameter and 1mm width.

This is back side of main plate of 2nd Floor.

2.Install bearing. Bearing size is 1.0mm bore diameter , 3.0mm outside diameter and 1mm width

3.Install bearing. Bearing size is 0.5mm bore diameter , 1.5mm outside diameter and 0.65mm width.

